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Communications Consultant

Job Type

Fully remote


About the Role

Women for Women International (WfWI) is partnering with the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) at George Washington University for a three-country and three-year-long project to develop programming models that equip non-GBV specialists to receive disclosures from GBV survivors, meet survivors’ basic and immediate needs, and facilitate access between GBV survivors and GBV response services in accordance with best practices, context and local realities.

By early 2025, WfWI and three partner organizations{1} will have completed delivering six pilot projects across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Iraq and South Sudan. Pilot projects have trialed a range of activities within three key pillars:
1. Improved immediate handling of GBV Disclosures
2. Connecting to and supporting existing GBV specialist services
3. Medium to long support to enable non-GBV specialists to better respond to survivors

Once piloting is completed, the final phase of the project will focus on dissemination, sharing case studies, tools and guidance on good practices developed through the pilots with other non-GBV specialist organizations to help them better interact with GBV survivors in fragile and conflict-affected locations.

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